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Tuesday, 27 December 2016

3 Great Reasons Why Intermittent Fasting Is A Good Idea!

By: Brad Pilon, MS

You may not have heard of intermittent fasting, and so you may not know why it can and should be a part of your workout and fat loss plan. Intermittent fasting is the practice of abstaining from all but water for a period of usually 24 hours to help with the goals associated with fat loss and weight loss in general. The way in which it helps in this arena is by cutting out a full days caloric intake, while still being able to maintain a full workout schedule. Let's look at three main reasons I believe that intermittent fasting is a good idea for anyone serious about fat loss and muscle building! 
The primary reason I'm fond of a workout plan that involves intermittent fasting is that it promotes maximum fat loss. Most people employ these types of fasts two days a week while working out, and this means they are effectively cutting out a full two days caloric intake from their weekly consumption. This combined with your workout can and does have a dramatic effect on the pace at which you lose excess fat. By working out while doing these fasts, you are attacking your goals with a two-edged sword, slashing it from both ends of the spectrum. 
The second reason would be that this type of fasting allows you to maintain a moderate to intense workout load while still maintaining your energy and metabolism. Many people think that fasting drains both of these aspects, and while that is true for other, particularly longer fasts, for intermittent fasting the opposite has proven to be the case. You often have more energy and a higher metabolism while engaged in this type of fasting, making it the best of both worlds. Many other fasts are so debilitating that you are left at the end of the day so drained you are unable to do anything. Intermittent fasting is not like that at all. 
The third reason why I believe intermittent fasting is a good practice to include in your workout plan is that it has beneficial aspects to it that are a little less easy to see, but of great benefit all the same. There is a cleansing of your system that takes place with any fast, as your body adjusts to less content being put into it. There are also undeniable psychological benefits, such as a very affirming sense of accomplishment that can help you in many areas of your life. Knowing that you are not a slave to food is a major part of that. 
I'm a firm advocate of intermittent fasting as a way of enhancing your fat loss and workout routines. There is in my mind no faster way of getting maximum fat loss while still being able to handle a full workout load. Investigate it today. I think you might be surprised at the results you'll come up with!
Brad Pilon is a nutrition professional with over eight years experience working in the nutritional supplement industry specializing in clinical research management and new product development. Brad has completed graduate studies in nutritional sciences specializing in the use of short term fasting for weight loss.
His trademarked book Eat Stop Eat has been featured on national television and helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat without sacrificing the foods they love. For more information on Eat Stop Eat, tinyurl.com/h3b88ea

Related keywords: fat loss, maximum fat loss, effective fat loss, lower calories, higher metabolism, cleansing

Friday, 23 December 2016

7 Foods you can Eat to Lose Weight

Article By: Brad Pilon, MS

The food industry is constantly creating new ‘functional foods’ that will help you lose weight, reduce blood pressure and cholesterol, and help you keep your blood sugar and insulin levels in check and so on and so on. When did eating become so complicated, and since when could food do all of these magical things?

Foods designed to help you lose weight are a multi billion dollar industry. And think of how ironic of an industry that is, how could you possibly eat something to lose weight? That doesn’t make any sense at all. The act of eating always adds mass to your body, it couldn’t possibly take it away.
The only way you can lose weight ever, is to eat less calories than you burn off. Bottom line, there is no arguing this. This rule existed 1000 years ago, and will exist a 1000 years from now. There is no possible way you could gain weight if you ate less calories than you burned off.
No matter how easy you seem to put on weight, and how little food you think you eat, there is always a lesser amount that will cause you to lose weight.

The actual matter that makes up your fat cells has to come from somewhere, and that somewhere is your diet. If you eat more food that you burn off then you will store fat and gain weight. If you eat less food than you burn off you will lose fat and lose weight. That’s it.
So the list of 7 foods you can eat to lose weight consists of any foods you would like to see on that list!

You could lose weight eating cheesecake everyday. As long as you ate less total calories that day than you burned off.

The only weight loss diets that have ever worked or proven to have any effect always make people eat less total calories. That’s it. Carbs, fat, protein and sugar don’t make any difference, as long as you eat less. If anyone tells you otherwise they just haven’t done their research. And I encourage you to challenge anyone who thinks that any ‘special’ food can actually help you lose weight. It’s baloney, eating less is the only way.

Think of it this way. If any of the popular diets like low carb, low fat, high protein actually worked, would you or anyone else still be looking for another way to lose weight?

I know of only one way to effectively eat less and still be able to eat the foods you like. At tinyurl.com/h3b88ea I found the only nutrition program that makes any sense at all.
Author Brad Pilon basically threw me the biggest curveball ever with this new nutrition program and it makes the most sense out of anything I have ever read. There is no reason to stress over food any longer, there really is a way to lose weight and eat what you like.

Brad Pilon is a nutrition professional with over eight years experience working in the nutritional supplement industry specializing in clinical research management and new product development. Brad has completed graduate studies in nutritional sciences specializing in the use of short term fasting for weight loss.

His trademarked book Eat Stop Eat has been featured on national television and helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat without sacrificing the foods they love. For more information on Eat Stop Eat, visit tinyurl.com/h3b88ea

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Apple Oatmeal Pancakes Recipe - Metabolic Cooking - Fat Burning Recipe

Makes 1 Serving (4 to 6 small pancakes)


• 6 egg whites
• ½ cup oatmeal (dry)
• 1 tablespoon unsweetened apple sauce
• Pinch of cinnamon powder
• Pinch of stevia
• 1 apple, diced finely
• ¼ teaspoon baking soda
• Cooking spray

More > >


1. First heat a frying pan until hot and then reduce to medium temperature. After mixing together all the ingredients in a blender (except for the diced apple), spray some pam (or other cooking spray), drop by spoonful onto the pan.
2. When bubbles start to form, place evenly on pancake some of the diced apple.
3. Let them set in before flipping the pancake.
4. Makes about 4-6 pancakes depending on the size.

More > >

Nutritional Facts

(Per Serving)
  • Calories: 240
  • Protein: 28g
  • Carbohydrates: 32g
  • Fat: 0g 

  • More > >  



    Tuesday, 13 December 2016

    My Bikini Belly - How To Lose Belly Fat - Best Way To Lose Belly Fat

    This tiny little gene is hidden away deep inside the fat cells of your belly where it remains switched OFF until you turn 35.

    Once you turn 35 your menopause gene instantly switches ON...
    And your belly is flooded with “menopause molecules” that pile on belly fat fast.
    Picture a balloon attached to your kitchen faucet...
    Now imagine holding the balloon in one hand and turning ON your water with the other hand...
    You feel the balloon swell and you see it quickly expanding...
    You see, that’s your belly right now as it fills up with more “menopause molecules”.

    Discover How Even The Most Frustrated Women Are Using This 30 Second Ab Trick To Switch OFF Their “Menopause Molecules” And Visibly SEE A Flat And Firm Belly In Only 21 Days WITHOUT Starving Or Suffering Through Long Boring Workouts


    Thursday, 8 December 2016

    Erectile Dysfunction Treatment And Causes - Survive In Bed

    If you're a man in your 40s, 60s or 70+...Then you've been lied to -- ED is not a natural part of aging as we were led to believe. And...

    It is not your fault.

    In this quick report you discover:

    • The 3 biggest dangers to your performance, stamina and energy...
    • Exactly what you need to eat - step by step - to beat ED permanently...
    • The truth that doctors never tell their patients about ED. And...
    • How to never lose confidence in bed again... so that you can snatch back your manhood and keep it for good.
    I urge you to watch this report in full now, because when multi-billion dollar "blue-pill peddlers" find out - I can't guarantee this page will stay online.

    They DON'T Want You To See This:

    ==> Click here to access it now >>

    3 Reasons Why You’ll Want to Focus on Increasing Your Bench Press - How To Gain Muscle Mass?

    If You’re Not Focusing On The Bench Press… You’re Missing Out On A Ton of Muscle and Strength That Could Be Yours!
    That’s the SINGLE BIGGEST reason you need to start focusing on lifting more weight on the bench: So you can gain more muscle mass!

    Not only that… the bench press is a very intense and demanding exercise for your entire body.
    When you do a heavy and intense bench press… you can shock your muscles into growing faster than they usually would. And because of the intensity of the bench, your body releases a ton of anabolic hormones into your bloodstream. Things like testosterone and human growth hormone.
    So bottom line… if you focus on increasing your bench press... and the amount of weight you lift on the bench press, you WILL gain muscle and lose fat. And as a result… you’ll look bigger, more muscular, and also leaner.

    3 Reasons Why You’ll Want to Focus on Increasing Your Bench Press:

    1. As you probably already know… having a big bench press is like a badge of honor. Plain and simple… it gets you respect and attention in almost every area of your life. It’s a measuring stick that you use with your buddies. The one with the biggest bench is usually the most respected. The strongest is usually the most respected (and most feared!)
    2. Having a big bench usually means you’re strong and in shape. In fact my football coaches in college were dead serious about knowing how much I could bench press and tested it several times a year. You see they knew something that most people don’t…..
    3. Increasing your bench press will also increase the amount of muscle mass you have on your entire body! It’s true… and it’s because of 2 reasons. First, when you keep lifting more and more weight, your body must add muscle mass so that it can handle that additional stress (weight) you’re placing on it. And second, heavy intense lifts like the bench press releases anabolic hormones into your bloodstream… things like testosterone and human growth hormone. These are the male muscle builders that help you pack on muscle.

    The bench press is not just about boosting your ego, having a head turning upper body, or about the ability to push people around on the field.

    When done correctly (which most people don’t) the bench press uses every single muscle in your body. You stimulate the chest, shoulders, triceps, biceps, your back and even your LEGS.
    It’s a fact that compound exercises that involve the most muscle groups give you the most results in the least amount of time. It’s because you’re using ALL of your muscles at the same time.
    And honestly… no upper body exercise involves more muscles and becomes more of a full body exercise then the bench press. So if you don’t have a lot of time you can spend in the gym… focusing on the bench press is a sure-fire way that you’re getting an intense, good workout in for your whole body!
    This best selling and newly revised Critical Bench Program 2.0 will help you increase your bench press by up to 50 pounds in 10 weeks… while packing on muscle in the process.
    Even if you have long arms, shoulder pain, wrist pain or sub-par genetics like me, this program is a guaranteed way to help you build a 200, 300 or 400 + pound bench press.
    You’ll join over 10K other people that have been amazed with the results they’ve gotten from Critical Bench Program 2.0
    These are people who have been very pleased when reaching their goal of more weight lifted on the bench… as well as more strength and muscle as a result.

    LEARN MORE HERE: http://tinyurl.com/jh7yv3p

    Controlling Your Weight By Controlling The Carbohydrate Intake - Burn Fat, Fat Burning Foods, Fat Loss

    Managing carbs is an effective weight loss strategy because it controls a hormone called insulin. Insulin is your “storage hormone” - it is responsible for taking the foods you eat and transporting them into your cells. Your body either uses them to burn for energy or stores them as fat.

    When you eat carbohydrate foods you spike your insulin. And that’s why everyone tells you to cut carbs in order to burn fat. Yet what we now know is that eating your carbs at the RIGHT time tells your body to burn them for energy and use them to replenish and rejuvenate your muscles and organs.

    And only when you eat the wrong carbs, in the wrong amounts and at the wrong times will your body lock fat in your cells and even store more stubborn fat.

    Now that you know you can get the weight loss benefits of a low carb diet WITHOUT depriving yourself all day long... I want you to eat all your carb-rich foods at night... Yes... ALL of them... At night...

    It’s almost as if you’re going on a diet for half a day...

    Picture how easy it would be to diet for just half a day. And doesn’t that make so much more sense? Because your ancestors spent the day foraging for food, they “dieted” only half the day while they feasted at night.

    And as long as you are strategically eating the right foods the rest of the day, and choosing the right carbs at night, this half day principle is the key to shutting off the Carb-Loop cycle, ending your cravings, and releasing even your most stubborn and embarrassing fat...

    Regular “Low Carb” Plans Slow Your Metabolism,
    Wreck Your Hormones, Kill Your Sex Drive & Put You
    At Risk Of Rebound Weight Gain 

    We have some amazing stories here http://tinyurl.com/z6xwpbb that provides a real-life proof of how this technique is an amazing weightloss strategy. Check them out now.

    Quinoa Burritos Recipe - Metabolic Cooking - Fat Burning Cookbook, Fat Burning Recipe Book, Free Fat Burning

    Makes 2 Servings

    Perfect for a snack, spread or sandwich


    • 2 small whole wheat tortillas
    • ½ cup quinoa, cooked
    • 4 egg whites
    • ½ avocado, cubed
    • 1 cup lettuce, shredded
    • ½ cup salsa
    • ¼ cup red onion, diced
    • ½ cup black beans
    • ¼ cup fresh cilantro

    More > >


    1. Cook quinoa and egg whites separately. Then mix with black beans, cilantro and onion.
    2. Spead half mixture equally on whole wheat tortillas.
    3. Top with salsa, avocado and lettuce.
    4. Wrap and enjoy!

    More > >


    Nutritional Facts  (Per Serving)

  • Calories: 272
  • Protein: 17g
  • Carbohydrates: 33g 
  • Fat: 8g




    5 Reasons to Use Home Remedies to Treat Eczema - Best Treatment for Eczema, Eczema Cure, Eczema on face treatment

    When it comes to treating and managing eczema, sufferers have many choices.  You may have heard that home remedies work, but do they?  Although our bodies are all different, they have proven effective for many.  That is just one of many reasons why home remedies are recommended for the treatment of eczema, continue reading on for five more.

    Reason #1 – Affordability

    When using home remedies to treat eczema, you may need to purchase a few supplies, but they are pretty affordable when compared to prescription medications.  Moreover, you may already have what you need inside your home.  In that case, no additional money is needed to seek relief.

    Reason #2 – No Doctor’s Visits

    Not only does avoiding the doctor save you money, but it also eliminates a major hassle.  If you work outside of the home or are a parent, you must arrange time off from work or childcare.  Don’t lose money or time with your kids.  Home remedies enable you to treat your eczema from home and with ease.

    Reason #3 – Many Choices

    Home remedies are treatment options you can do at home.  For eczema, you have many choices.  Something as simple as locking in moisture with lotion after a bath is considered a home remedy, as is drinking plenty of water.  Other home remedies include wet wraps, oatmeal baths, oatmeal pastes, and diet changes.  With many home remedies to choose from, you are sure to find an easy to implement remedy that works.

    Reason #4 – Fewer Risks

    Home remedies for eczema are used as alternatives for prescription medications and some over-the-counter products.  Many sufferers opt for home remedies because they are safer.  There are fewer risks and side effects. Your goal is to seek treatment, not have other medical issues and complications to deal with too.

    Reason #5 – You Have Nothing to Lose

    As previously stated, most home remedies for eczema are affordable, safe, and you have many choices.  Most importantly, you are able to avoid the hassle of regular doctor’s appointments.  With these benefits and a high rate of success in many eczema patients, what do you have to lose?  Nothing.  If you haven’t already tried home remedies to manage and treat your eczema, try them.  Chances are you will like the end result. 

    New research shows that all-natural treatment systems, such as Eczema Free Forever, are effective at stopping eczema in its tracks.  

    Learn more about this program by visiting http://tinyurl.com/jpeejft.

    Wednesday, 7 December 2016

    Masszymes - Crank Your Muscle Gains To New Heights - Best Protein For Muscle Gain


    Potent enzymes called proteases break down protein into absorbable, anabolic amino acids… which are what your muscles require for recovery and growth.

    protein shakes
    It doesn’t matter if you’re consuming 30 grams of protein… or 300 grams of protein -- if you don’t have a sufficient supply of enzymes to digest the protein, your muscles will be starving for those vital building blocks.

    A great enzyme formula contains various proteases that work at different pH levels. This ensures that the protein gets broken down into amino acids at every stage of digestion.
    masszymes digesting meat

    If you’re eating meat, fish and eggs, enzymes are even more crucial because every time you eat cooked food, your body withdraws enzymes from your “enzyme bank account” to digest the meal.
    The more cooked food you eat (this includes almost every protein powder) -- the worse it gets.
    The enzymes get drained faster and faster… leading to digestive nightmares. All this undigested protein leads to a disgusting caked up intestinal tract that blocks amino acid absorption.
    If you’re dropping toilet bombs that peel the paint off the gym walls, then you KNOW there’s a serious problem going on in your gut.

    The truth is: if you’re not using enzymes -- you’ve got a serious handicap when it comes to putting on lean muscle mass. You’re lucky if you’re absorbing 40% of the protein from your food.

    Continue Reading Here: Masszymes Official Website


    Her Yoga Secrets - About Yoga For Beginners, How To Yoga For Beginners

    Watch complete video here: http://bit.ly/YogaBurner

    The secret to the success of the Yoga Burn program lies in what's referred to as Dynamic Sequencing. Dynamic Sequencing is the way in which the Yoga Burn program teaches you how to properly perform each movement and then continues to adapt and increase the challenge at the precise moment your body starts to get used to the routine. This forces your body to change and adapt, which in turn, helps to build a shapely, feminine body that not only looks better, but feels better too! Yoga Burn's unique 3 phase program guides you through 15 different videos that are laid out in a way that will keep your body and mind guessing to ensure you do not get bored or hit a plateau. 

    Who is Yoga Burn For? 
    Yoga Burn is for women from any walk of life who are ready to make time to follow a done-for-you yoga program designed to promote natural and healthy weight loss without any need for pills, powders or potions. If you want to lose weight and get in shape without having to spend countless hours in the gym or lift heavy weights then Yoga Burn may be a great fit for you.

    Can I do Yoga Burn while pregnant? 
    Yes, you absolutely can. If pregnant, I recommend you take advantage of the bonus videos, The Beginner Flow and The Tranquility Flow, which are ideal throughout all stages of Pregnancy. In addition, we also provide you with a complete list of modifications to be used during each trimester of your pregnancy. And best of all, Yoga Burn is perfect for helping you recover once you've had your baby as you can start getting fit without even having to leave the comfort of your own home! 

    What makes Yoga Burn different from yoga classes? 
    Well, first of all, you won't have to be stepping over sweaty yoga mats to find a spot in an overpriced and crowded studio, fight through traffic to get to the gym, or deal with men having their heads up your "you know what" just to do the same generic class week in and week out. But, on a more serious note, Yoga Burn is a progressive yoga program designed exclusively for women to deliver maximum fat burning results and body shaping effects in the shortest amount of time. Remember, each and every strategic movement built into this program was done so with that sole purpose in mind which makes it completely and utterly unique from anything else available period. Yoga Burn is designed specifically to meet the needs and challenges of everyday women that want to shape up, lose weight and experience all of the amazing benefits a professional and progressive yoga program has to offer... All in the comfort of your own home... On your own time. 

    Learn more by visiting: http://bit.ly/YogaBurner

    Flat Abs Fast DVD - Bikini Detox, Danette May Workouts, New You Challenge

    No matter what shape you’re in or how “old” you are, you’ll quickly burn fat and obtain a slim waistline, despite what you’ve been led to believe.

    GRAB YOUR FREE DVD: http://bit.ly/2g31iKH

    You’ll receive absolutely free…
    Flat Abs Fast DVD
    • ‘Flat Belly Fast’ DVD… a comprehensive introduction to my belly flattening program so you can begin burning fat and shrink your waistline super-duper quickly!
    • 3 Follow Along Videos With Individual Workout Levels… step-by-step, easy, fat-burning exercises that allows you to begin at the fitness level you’re at today, and progress at your own pace in the convenience and privacy of your own home, with absolutely no pressure!
    • 10-Day Meal Plan eBook…. loaded with delicious, easy to prepare, fat-burning recipes and meals that can be whipped up in under 10 minutes. You can still eat as much as you want of your favorite foods, including pizza, cake and cookies and continue to burn fat!
    • ‘Fast Meals Prep’ video… watch and learn as I prepare yummy, fast, fat-burning meals that last 10 days, even if your only prior cooking experience has been to boil water!

    ORDER NOW FOR FREE: http://bit.ly/2g31iKH

    Venus Factor - Lose Weight Fast - Diet For Weight Loss

    The Venus Factor is one of the few weight loss programs created especially for women by the well-known weight loss celebrity, best-seller writer and nutritionist John Barban. It is a 12-Week Weight Loss Program which has been specifically designed to re-balance the hormones responsible for appetite and weight gain.

    As a woman body ages, these hormones get progressively more out of balance and that's when things start go wrong regarding our ability to stay fit and in good shape... and even worse when we get pregnant and start having children.

    This program includes a Membership of an exclusive Venus Factor Community who will help and support you through your weight loss journey. Here John also shows the latest weight loss research, tips and development, and how you can use it to accelerate your fat loss.

    To learn more, watch the video here: http://tinyurl.com/hrzxdvt

    Join this program today here http://tinyurl.com/hrzxdvt  

    Monday, 5 December 2016

    Draft Dashboard | CBS Fantasy Football, Fan Duel, Fantasy Draft

    Instantly Optimize your Daily Fantasy Sports Lineups and Create Winning Lineups in Seconds! Our Daily Fantasy Tools show players with the best value, optimal stats, defensive matchups and more! Use our DFS Lineup Optimizer to Skyrocket your Daily Fantasy Success at sites like DraftKings and FanDuel!

    CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED or visit http://bit.ly/draftdashboard

    7 Steps To Health Diabetes - Groundbreaking Diabetes Breakthrough Removes The Need Of Drugs, Insulin And Injections

    Doctors at the International Council for Truth in Medicine are revealing the truth about diabetes that has been suppressed for over 21 years.

    Last year they helped over 17,542 type 2 diabetics end the need for prescription drugs, insulin injections and blood sugar monitoring. This year they’re on track to help over 30,000.

    In just a few weeks, 96% of their patients are able to stop ALL diabetes medication and insulin injections.

    No more neuropathy pain, pricking your finger, or the need for expensive medication.

    Learn about this groundbreaking new research here: http://bit.ly/DiabetesLieOP

    New scientific research uncovered how to treat the root cause of diabetes

    Shocking new scientific research uncovered how to treat the root cause of diabetes. Doctors at the International Council for Truth in Medicine have perfected these diabetes treatment methods: In 16 days, patients insulin dosages were reduced by over 57% 

    A few weeks later, 96% of patients were able to stop ALL diabetes drugs and injections. Blood sugar normalized, insulin sensitivity increased and neuropathy pain went away. 

    They’ve already helped over 17,542 type 2 diabetics end the need for prescription drugs, insulin injections and blood sugar monitoring.

    But you won’t hear about this breakthrough from your doctor.

    Read more here: http://bit.ly/DiabetesLieOP

    Friday, 2 December 2016

    Take, Upload and Get paid for your photo - Photography Jobs, Photographer Needed

    If you want to earn $100, $200 or even up to $500 a day, and you are good at taking some amazing photographs, this is the perfect opportunity for you!

    Some of the photography job areas where we need a talent like yours:
    •    Abstract
    •    Agriculture
    •    Animals
    •    Architecture
    •    Backgrounds and Textures
    •    Botanical
    •    Business World
    •    Children
    •    Concepts
    •    Current Events
    •    Digital Arts
    •    Documentary
    •    Entertainment
    •    Fashion
    •    Fine Art
    •    Food
    •    General
    •    Glamour
    •    Health and Fitness
    •    Healthcare
    •    Holiday
    •    Humorous
    •    Industrial
    •    Isolated Objects
    •    Landscape
    •    Law
    •    Macro
    •    Military
    •    Music World
    •    Nature
    •    Night Shot
    •    Ocean
    •    Office World
    •    People and Lifestyles
    •    Pets
    •    Religion and Spirituality
    •    Rural Life
    •    Sports
    •    Still Life
    •    Technology
    •    Transportation
    •    Travel
    •    Urban Life
    •    Vintage
       And Many Many More!
    If you’re looking for work, or just want to make some part time money on the side, please come check out the jobs we have available. We are currently accepting new members. 

    Thursday, 1 December 2016

    We Are Hiring Writers - Content Writer Jobs, Creative Writing, Freelance Copywriting Jobs

    We are looking for some people that are interested in working from their home on a part or full-time basis.

    Salary: $100 - $500 a day

    Job Description: Many of these jobs are simple online writing tasks, such as blogging about a movie that you recently saw, commenting on what your opinion is of a certain kind of car, proof reading simple documents and more!

    We are currently accepting new members.  Sign Up Below.


    Wednesday, 30 November 2016

    Music Licensing Insidiers Guide - Make Money Licensing Your Music - How To Be A Music Producer?

    Attention musicians! Open the door to new avenues of making money with your music. Discover the hidden steps, and you’ll find out that it’s easier than you think. Get up to speed by learning the lingo fast with the FREE glossary of music licensing terms. 

    Written by: Randy Schroeder and Seb Jarakian,
    a successful music licensing company in San Francisco. 

    What you will learn?
    • How to get USEFUL and QUALITY FEEDBACK on your music? See page 13

    • Find out what TV, radio, film and game producers are looking for in musicians to successfully represent your music in the marketplace.

    • WHY SCHMOOZING COULD BE YOUR SECRET WEAPON to unlock the door to success in the music business! Page 16

    • WHY MUSIC LICENSING COMPANIES should fit into a serious musician’s networking agenda?

    • What’s happening to RECORD DEALS and why music licensing has become AN INCREASINGLY IMPORTANT REVENUE STREAM?

    • LEARN FROM THE LATCH KEY KID why a positive attitude ROCKS! – and is VITAL to your success.

    • What exactly is “CLEARANCE”? And why it is such an important issue in licensing your  music?

    • Find out why you should give the music licensing agency the right to negotiate on your behalf by PRE-CLEARING EVERY TRACK UP FRONT?

    • See how a MUSIC LICENSING DEAL is done.

    • DISCOVER MUSIC LICENSING OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE TODAY, including those you’ve never thought of.

    • What are producers looking for today?

    • SHORT-BUT-SWEET SCOOPS about music placements in television programs, television commercials, films, video games, the Internet. Priceless information for newbies.

    • Why ad agencies prefer emerging (new) artists for placement in television commercials.

    • 6 KEY TIPS FOR CREATING AND MARKETING YOUR TRACKS… from the Musync Supe himself.

    • Why STEMS (individual components or a layers of a song mix) should always be included in your final studio output for new albums. See Page 39

    • Why ROYALTY-FREE MUSIC may be a viable route for some musicians and not for others. Page 40

    • 4 THINGS TO LOOK FOR when choosing a licensing company. Page 41

    • How to make critical choices when evaluating your music placement opportunities.

    • Learn the proper SUBMISSION POLICIES.

    • Learn what a licensing company does to represent your music.


    • 4 REASONS WHY IT’S A GOOD IDEA TO USE FTP (file transfer protocol) to submit your music.

    • CRITICAL TIPS ON HOW TO PACKAGE YOUR MUSIC when you send it by snail mail.

    • Why you need to keep song titles consistent, no matter where you send them!


    • HOW MUCH MONEY can you make when your tracks are licensed?

    • Why contracting with a music licensing company is a GENUINE WIN-WIN SITUATION.



    • 30-DAY ACTION PLAN FOR SUCCESS - 3 Simple Steps.



    Tuesday, 22 November 2016

    Start Your Free Personalized Video Numerology Report - Card Reading, Life Path Number, Name Numerology

    The 3 Keys of Life...

    No matter where you are on your path, and no matter what you're told by others


    Our most difficult challenge in this life is to define our purpose for being. Our experts will guide you step by step to find your purpose.


    Once your purpose is revealed, you need a plan to reach your new goals. Our reports will help you know when to act, and when to wait.


    Without confirmation that you are on your plan, it can be confusing if you are still on path. Our reports help you validate your daily intent and results.

    Click here to build your free report. No credit card or email required.

    Saturday, 19 November 2016

    PaleoHacks Cookbook - Prepare Delicious and Healthy Meals Easily - Health Food, Healthy Breakfast Recipe

    Details: PaleoHacks Cookbook

    The PaleoHacks Cookbook make preparing meals more easy… more delicious… give you more variety on the diet… and help you experience the many health benefits of Paleo (from weight loss to enhanced mood) much more quickly… or your money back.


    GET THEM HERE: http://bit.ly/paleo_book

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    Free Woodworking Plans - DIY Woodworking, Easy Wood Projects

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    If you want to start a woodworking project, you need all the necessary information, including schematics, blueprints, materials lists, dimensions etc. That is where Teds Woodworking comes in. The plans are clearly drawn and there're step-by-step explainations of how the plan should be done and put together.
    There are several other sites whose collection of plans have the dimensions totally wrong without any indication of parts lists, material lists or the tools needed. If you're one of those people who have bought plans like this in the past, TedsWoodworking will change your perception.

    In Ted's Woodworking you will get everything you need:
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    Another thing which is so great about these woodworking plans is that there have been some videos included and there are some to guide you in how to build benches home furniture dog houses bird feeders sheds and much much more.

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